
更新日: 2019/10/04



1. タイトル:Editing and Interpretation: A Practical Guide

2. 講  師:_William Marx先生(University of Wales)
_______Janet Burton先生(University of Wales)
_______Margaret Connolly先生(University of St Andrews)

3. 日  時:11月30日(土)午前10時〜11時半

4. 場  所:東京未来大学

5. 概  要:

The European Middle Ages is frequently characterized as a manuscript culture. The technology of printing did not appear until late in the Middle Ages and then existed side-by-side with manuscript production for some time. Because in a manuscript culture texts of various kinds ranging from the literary to the practical are produced by hand, each is in some sense unique and bears traces of its scribe(s). These traces range from small variations in letter forms and spellings to substantial changes such as the use of different words and phrases, extensive additions, and the loss of parts of texts through accident or on purpose. The extent of variation among surviving manuscripts of individual texts encourages the critical investigation of what are referred to as ‘witnesses’ to a text. The purposes of this type of assessment are many. The evidence of variation can be used to uncover not only features of the text in its original form, but also its history: how it was understood and appreciated by its readers, and how and why it was, in some instances, revised and adapted for different contexts and purposes. For modern scholars, the process of editing involves first the identification of variations, be they great or small, and, in the end, interpreting the purposes of variations: why did scribes make changes and revisions to a text? Many modern editions of medieval texts are products of critical investigations and assessments of variants that survive in different manuscripts. Some medieval texts, however, come down to us in only one manuscript. Here we should not assume that this one ‘witness’ is the original form of the text, but more likely the product of scribal transmission the witnesses to which have been lost. Texts surviving in single manuscripts present special challenges for modern editors who must base their critical assessment of the sole witness on linguistic evidence and, where they exist, sources and analogous texts. Critical editing of medieval texts is fundamental to many aspects of the study of the Middle Ages: literature, drama, history, medicine, law, religious instruction and devotion, indeed any aspect of medieval life that produced written records. This workshop is intended to discuss in practical ways aspects of modern editorial process and practice.

6. 参加申し込み:参加ご希望の方は電子メールにて以下のアドレスまでお申し込み下さい。
_アドレス (織田哲司宛て,%を@に変えて送信してください)
_件  名:「第19回研究助成セミナー参加希望」
_文  面:(a) 氏名
______(b) 所属
______(c) アドレス
______(d) 大学院生または専任職を有さない参加者で,もし補助が出るとすれば希望する場合は,

7.定  員:40名


8. 交通費助成:


9. 問い合わせ先:研究助成委員長 織田哲司( (%を@に変えて送信してください)

研究助成委員長 織田哲司